Physics in Biology and Medicine
Paul Davidovits
A large part of biological research in the last hundred years has directed to understanding living systems in terms of fundamental physical laws. These efforts led to significant success. The atomic structure of a number of complex biological molecules has been determined, and the molecules ofthese role in living systems has been described. It is now possible to explain the function of cells and some of their interactions with each other. But the work is far from complete. Even if the structure of a complex molecule is known, it is currently not possible to predict the function of the atomic structure. Cellular mechanisms of food, growth, reproduction and communication are still understood qualitatively. Many fundamental questions in biology remain unanswered. However, the biological research, not all areas in which reveals the laws of physics do not apply. The amazing features of life seem to be affected by the highly complex organization of living systems.The purpose of this book is to tell some of the concepts of physics to living systems. In general, the following text are topics in the basic texts of the physical college. Solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, sound, electricity, optics, atomic and nuclear physics: The discussion is organized in the following areas.Each chapter includes a brief discussion of the basic physics, but most of the text is devoted to applications of physics to biology and medicine. Assumed no knowledge of biology. Biological systems are discussed in detail described as necessary for physical analysis. Whenever possible, quantitative analysis, requiring only algebra and basic trigonometry.Many biological systems can be analyzed quantitatively. Some examples illustrate this approach. Under the theme of mechanics, we calculate the forces exerted by the muscles. We investigate the maximum impact of a body can withstand without damage. We calculate the amount of jumping on a person, and we discuss the effect of the size of an animal on the speed with which they can work. In our study, we investigate quantitatively the fluid circulation in the body. Theory of the fluids, it allows us to calculate the role of diffusion in the function of cells and the effect of surface tension on the growth of plants in the soil. With the principles of electricity, we quantitatively analyze the management of impulses along the nervous system. Each section includes questions, explore and expand concepts.Of course there are significant limitations to the quantitative physics of biological systems. These limitations are discussed. Major advances in the life sciences have been greatly facilitated by the application of the techniques of physics and engineering to the study of living systems. Some of these techniques are discussed in the relevant sections of this book.
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